Changes with new conizi models (Version 1)
- The $schema tag is now mandatory:
- For example: “$schema”: “”
- The primary Github repo is now
- The branch master, preproduction, production depends on the system is used for dev, test or produciton purposes. Please keep that in mind.
- The schema definitions could now also be found under
- For example
- The version is mandatory!
- When a message is sent, please use this address + the model id as $schema tag, please have a look at simple-tour.json
- The schema tag must be included for any child’s like tour=>consignment
- For example simple-tour.json
- The Address element contains now a “reference” property for all models, “referenceNumber” is not longer supported.
- For example simple-tour.json
- Furhter examples of new models, could be found here or under JSON Examples.
- The sender, receiver for routing information has changed, so no address information should be provided any longer. Please use the ediId, partnerId, or coniziId see EdiMessageRouting.
"sender": { "ediId": "FLELO" }, "receiver": { "ediId": "EIKONA" }
- A format “time” was added => time relevant values must be formated as “HH:mm:ss” => “14:30:00”
"timeUntil": {
"title": "Time Until",
"type": "string",
"format": "time"
- A format “date” was added => date relevant values must be formated as “yyyy-MM-dd” => “2019-02-14”
"notBefore": {
"$id": "notBefore",
"title": "Not Before",
"description": "The consignment must not be delivered before the given date",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"properties": {
"date": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date"
"patternProperties": {
"x-.*": {},
"\\$.*": {}
- A format “date-time” was added => date-time relevant values must be formated as ISO-8601 DateTime => “2019-02-09T16:47:00”
"shippingDate": {
"title": "Shipping date",
"description": "The date of the manifest which included the consignment",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
- The “message” tag for events was renamed in “remarks” for purposes of unification
"remarks": {
"title": "Remarks (free form)",
"description": "Additional remarks",
"type": "string"
e.g. “changeRequest.message” is now “changeRequest.remarks”