Mapping Guideline for FORTRAS BORD512 to conizi manifest format
v1.2 - 2019-MAY-17Introduction
This documentation is a part of the Mapping Guideline series for conizi semantic model. The messages described here are used for communicating with conizi applications, such as Track and Trace and Order Management, and other partners connected to the conizi network.
The structure of manifest (bordero) and the content of the fields and message parts will be described in this document.
The standard of the source message format is FORTRAS and the version used here is release 100. The message format is often just referred to as REL100.
Technical Background
The conizi platform processes JSON format objects and their exact format is specified by the JSON Schema standard, version draft-06. The schema documentation can be found in a public repository on the URL.
The structures of the conizi manifest and status business objects are specified by the files under model/transport/truck/groupage/forwarding folder.
The order of elements in JSON format message does not matter - as opposed to FORTRAS and XML format files.
The countries must be specified with their 2 characters long Alpha-2 ISO-3166 standard codes, which can be found here:
The dates in JSON files are always in YYYY-MM-DD format as described by ISO-8601 standard.
FORTRAS BORD512 Message Structure
FORTRAS messages consist of records and each record type has a different set of fields. Each record and each field inside the records was given an id or a name. In this mapping documentation we will refer to the records and fields by their ids and names.
Please refer to Appendix 1. for the list of record ids and Appendix 2. for field names.
The FORTRAS standard allows creating custom records on row type id 99 (e.g.: D99). These records are not in the scope of this mapping documentation.
Conizi Manifest Message Overview
The conizi manifest message consists of 3 levels: manifest, consignment, position. The drawing below shows how the parts are related to each other and what is the connection between them and the FORTRAS message records.
Please also refer to Appendix 3., where a complete conizi format manifest file can be found. This is how the result of the conversion, mapping should look like in JSON format.
The schema must be referenced from each level of the message. To better understand this concept, check for the $schema tags in the Appendix 3..
The following schema references must be added for different message sections, levels:
Message section / level | schema reference |
Root level | |
consignment | |
In the mapping description we use the path notation to refer to source and target fields. Source field path consists of the record type and the field of that record. Eg.: A00/waybillNumber
There are some fields in the documentation starting with “x-“. These are temporary fields that are currently working, but are subject to change in the near future. These fields are not included in the schema.
Manifest Level
This is the main level of the manifest message. For each BORD512 file this is mapped only once. It contains lines with an array of consignment data.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Description |
manifestId | A00/waybillNumber | A unique identifier assigned to this cargo manifest by the shipping partner |
manifestType | A00/dataType | Type of the manifest (STD, INF, AVI) |
shippingDate | A00/waybillDate | The date on which the manifest was issued |
transportType | A00/transportType | Information about the way of production of that transport (i.e. by HUB, by direct transport, …) |
sender/ediId | header/senderId | The sender of the current record. This usually equals to the ordering party unless the record is a copy that was generated by some other component. In this case the sender can be different from the ordering party |
receiver/ediId | header/receiverId | The intended recipient of the the current record. This usually equals to the contracted party unless the record is intentionally sent to another system. |
network/product | A00/product | The product allows to distingish different processes within one network, effectively sub classing the network. |
network/networkId | Network id assigned by conizi for the given business case. | The network under which rules the consignment should be processed |
isPreAdvice | true, if A00/dataType is AVI or INF, otherwise false | Adds the possibility of sending the manifest (after saving, before approval) to e.g. a TMS |
additionalPartners | See Address Mapping | Additional partners (e.g. gateways or hubs) which are also involved in forwarding this consignment |
shippingPartner/partnerId | A00/waybillConsignorId | The partner which is sending the consignment to the receiving partner for further delivery. |
receivingPartner/partnerId | A00/waybillConsigneeId | The partner which is receiving the goods declared on the manifest from the shipping partner for further delivery. |
carrier/name | A00/freightOperator | Company responsible for the actual transport of the goods from the shipping partner to the receiving partner |
carrier/countryCode | A00/freightOperatorCountry | |
carrier/zipCode | A00/freightOperatorPostcode | |
carrier/city | A00/freightOperatorTown | |
vehicles/registration | A00/vehicleLicenseNumber[n] | Information about the vehicles used in the transport |
loadUnits | See Load Units Mapping | Load units (containers, swap bodies, …) used to transport the goods |
additionalLoadingEquipment/eurPallets | J00/numberOfEuroFlatPallets | Additional loading equipment used to securely load the goods into for the passage |
additionalLoadingEquipment/eurBoxes | J00/numberOfBoxPallets | |
lines/consignment | See Consignment Level | Lines of the manifest |
Address Mapping
Addresses are mapped from different qualifier B00 / B10 records. The main address data is coming from B00 and the contact information is added from further B10 records.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Notes |
name | B00/name1 | |
x-name2 | B00/name2 | |
x-name3 | B00/name3 | |
street | B00/streetAndStreetNumber | |
countryCode | B00/countryCode | |
zipCode | B00/postcode | |
city | B00/place | |
townArea | B00/townArea | |
reference | B00/partnerId | |
contactPerson | B10/content from B10 record, where communicationTypeQualifier = KPE | Can be more, separated by comma. |
phoneNumber | B10/content from B10 record, where communicationTypeQualifier = TEL | Can be more, separated by comma. |
emailAddress | B10/content from B10 record, where communicationTypeQualifier = EMA | Can be more, separated by comma. |
faxNumber | B10/content from B10 record, where communicationTypeQualifier = FAX | Can be more, separated by comma. |
Load Units Mapping
Under the loadUnits tag there is an array of objects for each A10/loadingUnitsNo[n]. Inside that object there is an identification tag that contains the given A10/loadingUnitsNo[n] tag and an array of seals. In the seals array each item is a code mapped from A10/leadSealNumber[m]LU[n]. Where m is the position of the current seal number and n is the position of the loading unit. In tabular format:
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field |
loadingUnits[]/identification | A10/loadingUnitsNo[n] |
loadingUnits[]/seals[]/code | A10/leadSealNumber[m]LU[n] |
Consignment Level
This chapter describes the consignment level mapping. One manifest message can contain multiple consignments, each starting with B00 (address) records.
A consignment is described by these record types: B00, B10, C00, D00, D10, E00, E10, F00, G00, H00, H10 and I00.
The lines tag of the manifest contains an array of objects which has 2 members: lineNo and consignment.
The lines/lineNo field should be filled with sequentialWaybillItem of the given consignment. This value is the same for each FORTRAS record of the consignment and can be taken from any record type inside the consignment level.
The below fields are members of the object referenced by the consignment tag.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Description |
consignmentNoShippingPartner | G00/consignmentNumberSendingDepot | Unique identification for the consignment within the transport management system of the shipping partner |
consignmentNoReceivingPartner | G00/consignmentNumberReceivingDepot | Unique identification for the consignment within the transport management system of the receiving partner |
shippingDate | A00/waybillDate | The date on which the consignment was forwarded to the receiving partner. If the consignment was part of a cargo manifest, this is the date on which the manifest was issued |
manifestId | A00/waybillNumber | Unique identification for the manifest on which the shipment was loaded in the transport management system of the shipping partner. |
sender | header/senderId | The sender of the current record. This usually equals to the ordering party unless the record is a copy that was generated by some other component. In this case the sender can be different from the ordering party |
receiver | header/receiverId | The intended recipient of the the current record. This usually equals to the contracted party unless the record is intentionally sent to another system. |
orderingParty | B00/addressTypeQualifier = ORD See Address Mapping |
Person or company that ordered the transport of the consignment. Often identical to the shipper |
shippingPartner | A00/waybillConsignorId | The partner which is sending the consignment to the receiving partner for further delivery. |
receivingPartner | A00/waybillConsigneeId | The partner which is receiving the goods declared on the manifest from the shipping partner for further delivery. |
services | See Services Mapping and Text Codes | Special services which can be requested by the ordering party (or the shipping partner). |
information | See Information Mapping | General information about the consignment |
references | See References Mapping | Numbers of various sources identiyfing this consignment or references from this consignment to other business processes |
billing | See Billing Mapping | Information for invoicing and clearing |
customsInformation | See Customs Information Mapping | Used to specifiy information necessary in the customs process |
content | See Content Mapping | Describes the nature and quantity of the goods in this consignment |
Routing Mapping
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/routing path.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Description |
shipper | B00/addressTypeQualifier = SHP See Address Mapping |
The address of the party which is sending the goods. This is usually the place where the transport originated |
consignee | B00/addressTypeQualifier = CON See Address Mapping |
The address of the good’s recipient |
Services Mapping
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/services path.
The majority of the services element mapping is done from the H00 text code, see Text Codes.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Description |
notifications/generalNotificationAddress | B00/addressTypeQualifier = NOT See Address Mapping |
An address and associated contact information which should be kept in the loop |
anonymity | Neutral addresses which are shown to the shipper or consignee in order to conceal the actual shipper or recipient of the goods. | |
anonymity/neutralShipper | B00/addressTypeQualifier = NES See Address Mapping |
An address to be shown to the consignee instead of the actual shipper when delivering the goods |
anonymity/neutralConsignee | B00/addressTypeQualifier = NEC See Address Mapping |
An address to be shown to the shipper instead of the actual address the consignee when picking up the goods |
services/unloadingOptions/directDelivery | if G00/directDelivery = ‘Y’, then true | The goods are to be delivered without unloading them at the receiving partners warehouse |
Information Mapping
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/information path.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Description |
remarksGeneral | H10/text, where textQualifier = ‘000’ | Free text information |
remarksDelivery | H10/text, where textQualifier = ‘001’ | Free text information for the delivery |
remarksPickup | H10/text, where textQualifier = ‘002’ | Free text information for the pick up |
remarksInvoice | H10/text, where textQualifier = ‘003’ | Free text information for the invoice |
References Mapping
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/references path.
All of these fields are usually mapped from H00 text codes. See Text Codes.
Billing Mapping
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/billing path.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Description |
freightPayer | B00/addressTypeQualifier = INV See Address Mapping |
The party which receives the invoice (if different from the shipper). |
tariff | Use to specify a special tariff to be used for freight calculation (e.g. heavy goods, …) | |
routingOrder | Use to specify that the consignment results of a standing pickup order and specifies the partner which issued this pickup order and thus should be billed. | |
deliveryTerms | G00/deliveryTerm | Use to specify under which terms the consignment is processed and which legs are billed to whom |
logisticModel | G00/logisticsModel | Used to active special billing and clearing conditions the partners have agreed on |
Customs Information Mapping
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/customsInformation path.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field |
clearedForFreeTransitWithinEU | See Text Codes Mapping |
valueAtBorderCrossing/amount | C00/transitValue |
valueAtBorderCrossing/currency | C00/transitValueCurrency |
cityUnloading | C00/pointOfDelivery |
customsOffice | C00/customsOffice |
customsProcess | C00/customsProcedure |
customsType | C00/dutyPaymentType |
importCustomsOffice | C00/customsOfficeEntry |
parentDocumentId | C00/precedingDocumentNumber |
parentDocumentType | C00/precedingDocumentType |
routeBorder | C00/modeOfTransportToBorder |
routeInland | C00/domesticModeOfTransport |
statisticsFlag | C00/statisticsStatus |
transferType | C00/businessType |
countryConsignor | C00/consignorCountry |
countryImporter | C00/countryOfImporter |
countryLoading | C00/countryOfLoading |
countryOfOrigin | C00/countryOfOrigin |
countryUnloading | C00/destinationCountry |
documents/type | A documents tag must be created for each C00/appendix… group. C00/appendixType |
documents/number | C00/appendixNumber |
documents/date | C00/appendixDate |
Consignment Content Mapping
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/content path.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Description |
nonHazardousWaste | See Text Codes Mapping | The content has no value and is not dangerous |
loadingAids | See Text Codes Mapping | The consignment only consists of loading aids which are transported and does not contain real goods |
highValueGoods | G00/materialGroup = 002 or from See also Text Codes Mapping |
This consignment contains goods of high value which are subject to higher insure fees and a higher risk of theft |
highConsequencesDangerousGoods | See Text Codes Mapping | This consignment contains dangerous goods which must be handeled unter the terms of HCDG |
insuranceValue/amount | G00/goodsValue See also Text Codes Mapping |
Value of the goods, used for insurance purposes |
insuranceValue/currency | G00/currencyOfGoodsValue | |
volumeCubicmeter | G00/cubicMeters | Total volume of the consignment |
loadingMeter | G00/loadingMeters | Length of the area occupied on a 2.4 m wide container |
grossWeightKilogram | G00/actualConsignmentGrossWeightInKg | Weight of the consignment including all packaging |
areaPalletBays | G00/numberOfPalletLocations | Area used by the consignment in terms of standard EUR pallet bays (120 x 80 cm) |
chargeableWeightKilogram | G00/chargeableConsignmentWeightInKg | Virtual weight of the shipment used for billing purposes. Used to take the bulkiness of goods into account or to enforce minimums. |
lines | See Position Level Mapping | Lines are describing handling units of similar sizes and content for brevity |
Position Level
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/content/lines path. The lines tag contains an array of objects of which these fields are members of.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Description |
lineNo | D00/consignmentPosition | A ordinal number, ordering the line within the consignment |
handlingUnitCount | D00/numberOfPackages | The number of the items in this consignment which are handeled individually |
handlingUnitType | D00/packagingType | The type of packaging (e.g. pallet, carton box, …) ouf the outer most packaging |
innerPackageCount | D00/numberOfPackagesOnPallets | Used to specify the number of inner packages (e.g. the number of boxes on a pallet) |
innerPackageType | D00/packagingTypeOnPallets | The type of packaging of the inner packages |
content | D00/contentOfGoods | A short description of the nature of the goods contained within the packages |
refNo | D00/codeAndNumber | A reference of the ordering party relating to the goods |
volumeCubicmeter | D00/cubicMeters | Total volume of the line |
loadingMeter | D00/loadingMeters | Length of the area occupied on a 2.4 m wide container |
grossWeightKilogram | D00/actualWeight | Weight of the line including all packaging |
areaPalletBays | D00/numberOfPalletLocations | Area used by the line in terms of standard EUR pallet bays (120 x 80 cm) |
chargeableWeightKilogram | D00/chargeableWeight | Virtual weight of the line used for billing purposes. Used to take the bulkyness of goods into account or to enforce minimums. |
lengthMeter | D00/lengthInMeters | Total length of the line |
widthMeter | D00/widthInMeters | Total width of the line |
heightMeter | D00/heightInMeters | Total height of the line |
customsInformation | See Position Level Customs Information Mapping | Used to specifiy information necessary in the customs process |
barcodes | See Barcodes Mapping | Detailed information about the individual handling units |
dangerousGoods | See Dangerous Goods Information | Detailed information about dangerous goods and the danger types |
Position Level Customs Information Mapping
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/content/lines/customsInformation path.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field |
goodsNo | D10/productNumber |
processCode | D10/procedureCode |
netweightKilogram | D10/fixedLoadInKgNet |
rawWeightKilogram | D10/rawMassInKg |
countryOfOrigin | D10/countryOfOrigin |
customsValue/amount | D10/customsValue |
customsValue/currency | D10/currencyOfCustomsValue |
statisticalValue/amount | D10/statisticalValue |
statisticalValue/currency | D10/currencyOfStatisticalValue |
documents/type | A documents tag must be created for each D10/appendix… group. D10/appendixType |
documents/number | D10/appendixNumber |
documents/date | D10/appendixDate |
Barcodes Mapping
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/content/lines/barcodes path. The barcodes tag contains an array of objects of which these fields are members of. An array element must be created for each F00 record.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field | Description |
code | F00/barcode | Id of the handling unit, usually printed as machine readable bar code on the package |
masterBarcode | Grouping of multiple packages | |
batch | Information identifying the manufacturing batch of the goods in the unit | |
bestBefore | Information about the expiry of goods |
Dangerous Goods Information
Fields discussed in this chapter are all under the lines/consignment/content/lines/dangerousGoods path. The dangerousGoods tag contains an array of objects of which these fields are members of. An array element must be created for each E00 record.
conizi manifest field | FORTRAS BORD512 field |
quantity | E00/numberOfPackages |
grossWeightKilogram | E00/grossWeightInKg |
unNo | E00/unNumber |
multiplier | E00/multiplier |
uniqueKey | E00/uniqueKey |
substanceName | E00/materialNameDangerousGoodsDesc |
labelMainRisk | E00/dangerousGoodsSampleMajor |
labelSubRisk1 | E00/dangerousGoodsSampleMinor1 |
labelSubRisk2 | E00/dangerousGoodsSampleMinor2 |
labelSubRisk3 | E00/dangerousGoodsSampleMinor3 |
packagingDescription | E00/descriptionOfPackaging |
netExplosiveMassKilogram | E00/netExplosiveMassInKg |
transportCategory | E00/transportClass |
limitedQuantity | E00/limitedAmount See also Text Codes. |
totalPointsADR | E00/calculatedDangerousGoodsPoints |
tunnelRestriction | E00/tunnelLimitationCode |
packagingGroup | E00/packagingGroup |
classificationCode | E00/classificationCode |
exemptedQuantity | E00/exemptQuantity |
netWeightKilogram | if E00/qualifierForLitersOrNetWeight = NGW then E00/entryForLitersOrNetWeightInKg else empty |
volumeLiter | if E00/qualifierForLitersOrNetWeight = LIT then E00/entryForLitersOrNetWeightInKg else empty |
adrRelease | E00/ggRelease |
packagingClass | E00/packagingGroupClassification |
references/fireworksBamNo | |
x-additionalTextForNAG | E00/additionalTextForNAG |
Text Codes
The H00 records in the FORTRAS manifest messages provides very flexible data transfer possibilities. Using these fields a partner can specify its own coding standard to include arbitrary information about the consignment in the message.
In FORTRAS standard H00 records belong to the consignment level and mapped into the conizi manifest message on consignment level too, with a very rare exception.
In this chapter we list the fields that can be mapped from H00 fields. The structure and the usage of H00/additionalText fields must be specified by the partner and used in the mapping to provide the necessary consignment data .
Content Fields
The conizi manifest tags are below /lines/consingment/content. This root path won’t be repeated for each item in the table.
Manifest field | Description |
nonHazardousWaste | The content has no value and is not dangerous |
highValueGoods | This consignment contains goods of high value which are subject to higher insure fees and a higher risk of theft |
insuranceValue/amount | Value of the goods, used for insurance purposes |
lines/dangerousGoods/limitedQuantity |
Service Fields
The conizi manifest tags are below /lines/consingment/services. This root path won’t be repeated for each item in the table.
Manifest field | Description |
packagingOptions | |
packagingOptions/return | Packaging material return |
packagingOptions/correction | Packaging correction for your Bordero from: … (Additional description) |
packagingOptions/thirdPartyDelivery | Delivery of packaging by third parties on: … (Additional description) |
packagingOptions/pickup | Package pickup |
specialRun | The transport is produced via special run (and with special fares) |
notifications | Notifications which should be sent while processing the shipment, e.g. notifications about successful delivery, advance notifications, … |
notifications/generalNotificationAddress | An address and associated contact information which should be kept in the loop |
notifications/afterDelivery | Information about successful delivery should be given to this address. See Address Mapping. |
notifications/beforeDelivery | Before a delivery is attempted the person noted here should be contacted within the given time frame. See Address Mapping. |
notifications/byDriver | The driver should call the given contact before delivery. See Address Mapping. |
timeSlotBooking | Information about time slots which need to be booked or are already booked for this consignment |
timeSlotBooking/byDeliveringPartner | A time slot must be booked by the delivering partner before making a delivery attempt. |
timeSlotBooking/preBookedTimeslot | A time slot has already been booked for the delivery of this consignment. Delivery must be attempted within this time slot. |
timeOptions | Requirements for the delivery or pickup time |
timeOptions/notAfter/date | The consignment must be delivered until the given date. |
timeOptions/notBefore/date | The consignment must not be delivered before the given date. |
timeOptions/fixedDay/date (timeFrom, timeUntil) | The consignment must be delivered at the given date (and in the given time window). |
timeOptions/fixedWeek/year, weekOfYear | The consignment must be delivered within the given week of the year. |
timeOptions/weekendSaturday/timeFrom, timeUntil | The consignment should be delivered on a Saturday |
timeOptions/nextDay/timeFrom, timeUntil | The consignment must be delivered on the next working day |
timeOptions/sameDay/timeFrom, timeUntil | The consignment must be delivered on the same day |
timeOptions/evening/timeFrom, timeUntil | The consignment must be delivered in the evening hours |
deliveryOptions | Requirements for special services or equipment for the delivery |
deliveryOptions/liftingPlatform | The consignment can only be delivered with a vehicle equipped with a lifting platform |
deliveryOptions/pointOfUseDelivery1Person | The goods must be delivered to the point of use with one man handling |
deliveryOptions/pointOfUseDelivery2Persons | The goods must be delivered to the point of use with two man handling |
deliveryOptions/shelfService | The goods must be put into the shelves at the destination |
deliveryOptions/useSpecificLastMileProvider | A given last mile provider must be used |
deliveryOptions/cashOnDelivery | The goods must only be delivered if the recipient pays the given amount |
deliveryOptions/cashOnDelivery/amount | The amount to be paid |
deliveryOptions/cashOnDelivery/currency | The currency of the given amount |
deliveryOptions/cashOnDelivery/acceptCash | Specifies if cash should be accepted (true) or rejected (false). |
deliveryOptions/cashOnDelivery/acceptCheque | Specifies if cheques should be accepted |
deliveryOptions/pickupByConsignee | The consignee will pick up the goods at the receiving partner’s warehouse. Do not perform local delivery. |
deliveryOptions/workRequest/info | The receiving partner should perform the action specified |
deliveryOptions/deliveryOnlyWithDeliveryNote | Delivery should only be performed with the delivery note. |
deliveryOptions/returnOriginalDeliveryNote | Original delivery note must be returned with the signature of the recipient to the shipping partner as paper (i.e. not in electronic form). |
deliveryOptions/digitalDeliveryNote | The delivery note has been sent by means of digital communication (and is not attached to the goods) |
deliveryOptions/deliveryNoteOnGoods | The delivery note is attached to the goods |
deliveryOptions/podOnOriginalDeliveryNote | The recipient must sign the original delivery note as proof of delivery. The signed document must be returned to the shipping partner. |
deliveryOptions/deliveryWithoutReceiptAllowed | The goods may be dropped at the designated location without a signature |
deliveryOptions/forAttentionOf | The delivery is for attention of the given company |
loadingOptions | Information about the loading of the main haul |
loadingOptions/directPickup | The goods picked up by the line haul and are not loaded by the shipping partners warehouse |
unloadingOptions | |
unloadingOptions/directDelivery | The goods are to be delivered without unloading them at the receiving partners warehouse |
unloadingOptions/alreadyReceived | The goods are already at the receicing partners warehouse, because they have been reported as surplus eaelier on |
unloadingOptions/alreadyReceived/surplusConsignmentNo | The reference number under which the surplus consignment had been reported by the receiving partner |
unloadingOptions/alreadyReceived/shippingDate | The date of the manifest which contained the surplus goods |
unloadingOptions/missingFromPreviousManifest | The goods for a consigment which already was part of another manifest and had been reported missing on that manifest |
unloadingOptions/missingFromPreviousManifest/manifestId | The manifest which first included the consignment |
unloadingOptions/missingFromPreviousManifest/shippingDate | The date of the manifest which included the consignment |
gateway | Special requirements for the handling of the goods at intermediate hubs / gateways |
gateway/priority | The consignment must be processed with priority |
handlingInstructions | Handling instructions for the goods, e.g. to prevent damage |
handlingInstructions/customsGoods | The goods are subject to customs processing and must be processed according the rules of the local authorities |
handlingInstructions/customsGoodsResubmissionDate | The resubmission date for the customs goods |
handlingInstructions/handleWithCare | The goods must be handled with care to prevent damage |
handlingInstructions/emptiesExchange | Specifies whether empties should be exchanged with the consignee |
handlingInstructions/orientation (/vertical, /horizontal) | The goods must be transported in a given orientation and may not be flipped over |
handlingInstructions/stacking (/allowed, /forbidden) | Indicated whether the goods may or may not be stacked |
handlingInstructions/temperatureRestrictions (/temperatureMinCelsius, /temperatureMaxCelsius) | Restrictions about the minimum and maximum temperature during the transport and special equipment to be used |
handlingInstructions/food/haccp | The HACCP regulations apply |
returnOfGoods | Services for the return of goods |
returnOfGoods/emptyPackaging | The packaging of the goods is taken back and disposed |
References Fields
The conizi manifest tags are below /lines/consingment/references. This root path won’t be repeated for each item in the table.
Manifest field | Description |
returnOfPreviousConsignment | Reference to another consignment which content is return using this consignment |
returnOfPreviousConsignment/consignmentNoShippingPartner | The consignment number of the original consignment being returned |
returnOfPreviousConsignment/shippingDate | The date when the original shipment was forwarded |
returnOfPreviousConsignment/shippingPartner | The partner which originally forwarded the consignment |
forwardedFor | The partner for which the consignment was processed by the shipping partner (e.g. routing order) |
subsequentDelivery | Additional delivery to our Bordero from: … (additional text) (Shipment-no. of the dispatching and receiving partner are to be transferred additionally) |
subsequentDelivery/consignmentNoShippingPartner | The consignment number of the original consignment |
subsequentDelivery/shippingDate | The date when the original shipment was forwarded |
subsequentDelivery/shippingPartner | The partner which originally forwarded the consignment |
pickupOrder/pickupOrderNo references/pickupOrder/orderingParty |
Reference to a pickup order which resulted in this consignment |
deliveryNote | The delivery note of the shipper which describes the content of this consignment |
customerOrderNo | A reference of the shipper for this consignment |
customerOrderDate | Date when the order was placed with the shipping partner |
orderEntrySystemReference | A unque reference number from the system which was used to enter the order details |
CustomsInfo fields
The conizi manifest tags are below /customsinfo. This root path won’t be repeated for each item in the table.
Manifest field | Description |
clearedForFreeTransitWithinEU |
Appendix 1. FORTRAS REL100 BORD512 Record References
We only include the information here that is necessary to find the fields in the originating message referenced by the mapping documentation. Describing the BORD message format in detail is outside of the scope of this documentation.
Each data record begins with a short id which declares its type. The record type ids are listed in the table with the short description of their contents.
Record type | Description |
@@PH | Header record. Referenced as “header” in the mapping documentation. |
A00 | Consignment data head |
A10 | Loading unit |
B00 | Addresses |
B10 | Communication information |
C00 | Customs information |
D00 | Consignment positions |
D10 | Customs information for the item |
E00 | Dangerous goods record |
E10 | Additional texts for E00 |
F00 | Barcodes and references |
G00 | Consignment sums |
H00 | Text codes |
H10 | Individual texts |
I00 | Service types |
J00 | Consignment data sums |
Z00 | Control record |
@@PT | Trailer record |
Appendix 2. FORTRAS REL100 BORD512 Field References
In the following chapters each field will be identified and labeled with a unique tag, so that they can be located unambiguously inside the BORD512 format file. These tags later will be used in the mapping section as paths for the incoming data.
In the table we specify the length of the field and the place where their data begins according to the FORTRAS REL100 standard.
Repeating fields are not listed multiple times for sake of brevity. In name of these items we always denote the place of the numbering with “[n]” and “[m]” (if multiple numbering is used). Eg.: leadSealNumber1LU1, leadSealNumber1LU2, leadSealNumber1LU3, leadSealNumber1LU4 will be just described with leadSealNumber[n]LU[m]
@@PH - Header Record
|Field reference|Length|From|Notes| |—————|——|—-|—–| |recordType|4|1|fix ‘@@PH’| |type|7|5|fix ‘STAT512’| |empty|1|12|| |rowLength|4|13|0512| |empty|2|17|00| |startAddress|2|19|35| |empty|2|21|00| |internalSign|1|23|1| |empty|1|24|0| |mailboxLength|2|25|’7 ‘| |mailboxSender|x|27|’AAAAAAA’| | mailboxReceiver |||Startaddress-(Startadress+Mailbox-Length)|
@@PHSTAT512 0512003500107 AAAAAAA BBBBBBB
A00 - Consignment Data Head
Field reference | Length | From |
recordType | 3 | 1 |
dataType | 3 | 4 |
releaseVersion | 3 | 7 |
waybillNumber | 35 | 10 |
waybillDate | 8 | 45 |
transportType | 3 | 53 |
product | 3 | 56 |
codeList | 3 | 59 |
currency | 3 | 62 |
waybillConsignorId | 35 | 65 |
waybillConsigneeId | 35 | 100 |
freightOperator | 35 | 135 |
freightOperatorCountry | 3 | 170 |
freightOperatorPostcode | 9 | 173 |
freightOperatorTown | 35 | 182 |
vehicleLicenseNumber1 | 35 | 217 |
vehicleLicenseNumber2 | 35 | 252 |
routingId1 | 35 | 287 |
routingId2 | 35 | 322 |
testCode | 1 | 357 |
arrivalDate | 8 | 358 |
arrivalTime | 4 | 366 |
arrivalTimeQualifier | 3 | 370 |
trafficType2 | 3 | 373 |
driverName | 35 | 376 |
driverPhone | 20 | 411 |
A10 - Loading Unit
Field reference | Length | From | Notes |
recordType | 3 | 1 | |
loadingUnitsNo[n] | 35 | 4 | Repeted twice, with the seal numbers |
leadSealNumber[n]LU[m] | 35 | 39 | Repeated 4 times |
B00 - Addresses
Field reference | Length | From |
recordType | 3 | 1 |
sequentialWaybillItem | 3 | 4 |
addressTypeQualifier | 3 | 7 |
name1 | 35 | 10 |
streetAndStreetNumber | 35 | 45 |
countryCode | 3 | 80 |
postcode | 9 | 83 |
place | 35 | 92 |
partnerId | 35 | 127 |
name2 | 35 | 162 |
name3 | 35 | 197 |
townArea | 35 | 232 |
globalLocalizationNumber | 35 | 267 |
customsId | 35 | 302 |
B10 - Communication Information
|Field reference|Length|From| |—————|—–:|—:| |recordType|3|1| |sequentialWaybillItem|3|4| |communicationTypeQualifier|3|7| |content|256|10|
C00 - Customs Information
Field reference | Length | From | Notes |
recordType | 3 | 1 | |
sequentialWaybillItem | 3 | 4 | |
dutyPaymentType | 3 | 7 | |
customsProcedure | 4 | 10 | |
customsOffice | 8 | 14 | |
countryOfOrigin | 3 | 22 | |
countryOfLoading | 3 | 25 | |
consignorCountry | 3 | 28 | |
destinationCountry | 3 | 31 | |
destinationLand | 3 | 34 | |
countryOfImporter | 3 | 37 | |
statisticsStatus | 3 | 40 | |
pointOfDelivery | 35 | 43 | |
transitValue | 9 | 78 | |
transitValueCurrency | 3 | 87 | |
businessType | 3 | 90 | |
modeOfTransportToBorder | 3 | 93 | |
domesticModeOfTransport | 3 | 96 | |
customsOfficeEntry | 8 | 99 | |
precedingDocumentType | 10 | 107 | |
precedingDocumentNumber | 25 | 117 | |
appendixType[n] | 6 | 142 | Repeating 3 times |
appendixNumber[n] | 20 | 148 | |
appendixDate[n] | 8 | 168 |
D00 - Consignment Positions
Field reference | Length | From |
recordType | 3 | 1 |
sequentialWaybillItem | 3 | 4 |
consignmentPosition | 3 | 7 |
numberOfPackages | 4 | 10 |
packagingType | 3 | 14 |
numberOfPackagesOnPallets | 4 | 17 |
packagingTypeOnPallets | 3 | 21 |
contentOfGoods | 35 | 24 |
codeAndNumber | 35 | 59 |
actualWeight | 9 | 94 |
chargeableWeight | 9 | 103 |
lengthInMeters | 4 | 112 |
widthInMeters | 4 | 116 |
heightInMeters | 4 | 120 |
cubicMeters | 5 | 124 |
loadingMeters | 3 | 129 |
numberOfPalletLocations | 4 | 132 |
D10 - Customs Information for The Item
Field reference | Length | From | Notes |
recordType | 3 | 1 | |
sequentialWaybillItem | 3 | 4 | |
consignmentPosition | 3 | 7 | |
productNumber | 15 | 10 | |
countryOfOrigin | 3 | 25 | |
rawMassInKg | 9 | 28 | |
fixedLoadInKgNet | 9 | 37 | |
procedureCode | 5 | 46 | |
customsValue | 11 | 51 | |
currencyOfCustomsValue | 3 | 62 | |
statisticalValue | 11 | 65 | |
currencyOfStatisticalValue | 3 | 76 | |
appendixType[n] | 6 | 79 | Repeated 4 times |
appendixNumber[n] | 20 | 85 | |
appendixDate[n] | 8 | 105 |
E00 - Dangerous Goods Record
Field reference | Length | From |
recordType | 3 | 1 |
sequentialWaybillItem | 3 | 4 |
consignmentPosition | 3 | 7 |
ggRelease | 3 | 10 |
numberOfPackages | 4 | 13 |
grossWeightInKg | 9 | 17 |
unNumber | 4 | 26 |
descriptionOfPackaging | 35 | 30 |
multiplier | 4 | 65 |
ggDatabaseId | 3 | 69 |
uniqueKey | 10 | 72 |
materialNameDangerousGoodsDesc | 210 | 82 |
additionalTextForNAG | 7 | 292 |
dangerousGoodsSampleMajor | 3 | 362 |
dangerousGoodsSampleMinor1 | 3 | 365 |
dangerousGoodsSampleMinor2 | 3 | 368 |
dangerousGoodsSampleMinor3 | 3 | 371 |
packagingGroupClassification | 4 | 374 |
netExplosiveMassInKg | 9 | 378 |
transportClass | 1 | 387 |
limitedAmount | 1 | 388 |
calculatedDangerousGoodsPoints | 9 | 389 |
tunnelLimitationCode | 6 | 398 |
packagingGroup | 4 | 404 |
classificationCode | 4 | 408 |
exemptQuantity | 1 | 412 |
entryForLitersOrNetWeightInKg | 9 | 413 |
qualifierForLitersOrNetWeight | 3 | 422 |
harmfulToTheEnvironment | 1 | 425 |
E10 - Additional Texts for E00
|Field reference|Length|From|Notes| |—————|—–:|—:|—-| |recordType|3|1|| |sequentialWaybillItem|3|4|| |consignmentPosition|3|7|| |textQualifier[n]|70|10|Repeated 5 times| |text[n]|3|13||
F00 - Barcodes and References
|Field reference|Length|From|Notes| |—————|—–:|—:|—-| |recordType|3|1|| |sequentialWaybillItem|3|4|| |consignmentPosition|3|7|| |barcode|35|10|| |referenceQualifier|3|45|Repeating 5 times. Not numbered!| |referenceNumber|35|48||
G00 - Consignment Sums
|Field reference|Length|From| |—————|—–:|—:| |recordType|3|1| |sequentialWaybillItem|3|4| |consignmentNumberSendingDepot|35|7| |actualConsignmentGrossWeightInKg|9|42| |deliveryTerm|3|51| |directDelivery|1|54| |pickupDate|8|55| |pickupTimeFrom|4|63| |pickupTimeTo|4|67| |logisticsModel|6|71| |consignmentNumberReceivingDepot|35|77| |consignorIdOriginalWaybill|35|112| |consigneeIdOriginalWaybill|35|147| |materialGroup|3|182| |goodsValue|11|185| |currencyOfGoodsValue|3|196| |chargeableConsignmentWeightInKg|9|199| |cubicMeters|5|208| |loadingMeters|3|213| |numberOfPalletLocations|4|216| |numberOfAdditionalLoadingTools1|2|220| |packagingTypeForAdditionalLoadingTools1|3|222| |numberOfAdditionalLoadingTools2|2|225| |packagingTypeForAdditionalLoadingTools2|3|227| |directPickupCode|1|230| |orderDate|8|231|
H00 - Text Codes
|Field reference|Length|From|Notes| |—————|—–:|—:|—-| |recordType|3|1|| |sequentialWaybillItem|3|4|| |textCode[n]|3|7|Repeted 6 times| |additionalText[n]|35|10||
H10 - Individual Texts
|Field reference|Length|From|Notes| |—————|—–:|—:|—-| |recordType|3|1|| |sequentialWaybillItem|3|4|| |textQualifier[n]|3|7|Repeated 3 times| |text[n]|70|10||
I00 - Service Types
|Field reference|Length|From|Notes| |—————|—–:|—:|—-| |recordType|3|1|| |sequentialWaybillItem|3|4|| |serviceType[n]|3|7|Repeated 10 times| |taxCode[n]|1|10|| |amount[n]|9|19||
J00 - Consignment Data Sums
|Field reference|Length|From| |—————|—–:|—:| |recordType|3|1| |totalNumberOfConsignments|3|4| |totalNumberOfPackages|6|7| |actualGrossWeightInKg|9|13| |numberOfBoxPallets|4|22| |numberOfEuroFlatPallets|4|26| |numberOfAdditionalLoadingToolsFP|4|30| |numberOfAdditionalLoadingToolsBP|4|34| |totalsTaxable|11|38| |totalsNotTaxable|11|49| |totalsOfProductValueCOD|11|60| |totalsOfCustoms|11|71| |totalsOfImportTurnoverTax|11|82| |totalsOfValueAddedTax|11|93|
Z00 - Control Record
|Field reference|Length|From| |—————|—–:|—:| |recordType|3|1| |recordNumber|6|4| |dateOfCreation|8|10| |timeOfCreation|6|18|
@@PT - Trailer Record
Contains no data.
Appendix 3. Sample Conizi Format Manifest File
The below sample conizi format manifest message was created based on a real life sample. All the addresses, company names, ids, reference numbers were replaced with random / sample values.
This sample can be used to get a hint on how the resulting file should look like after the conversion from FORTRAS format.
"$schema" : "https:\/\/\/conizi\/semantic-model\/master\/transport\/truck\/groupage\/forwarding\/manifest",
"manifestId": "123456",
"manifestType": "STD",
"shippingDate": "2018-08-15",
"transportType": "L",
"sender": {
"ediId": "EDDI001"
"receiver": {
"ediId": "EDIREC001"
"network": {
"networkId": "NET",
"codelist": "CL",
"product": "SY"
"isPreAdvice": false,
"shippingPartner": {
"partnerId": "9999"
"receivingPartner": {
"partnerId": "9988"
"carrier": {
"countryCode": "DE",
"zipCode": "989898",
"city": "BERLIN"
"vehicles": [{
"registration": "KGM 787"
"registration": "JTH 701"
"loadUnits": [{
"identification": ".",
"seals": [{
"code": "123456789012365498"
"additionalLoadingEquipment": {
"eurPallets": 9,
"eurBoxes": 0
"lines": [{
"lineNo": 1,
"consignment": {
"$schema" : "https:\/\/\/conizi\/semantic-model\/master\/transport\/truck\/groupage\/forwarding\/consignment",
"consignmentNoShippingPartner": "01234555555",
"consignmentNoReceivingPartner": "",
"shippingDate": "2019-08-15",
"sender": {
"ediId": "EDDI001"
"receiver": {
"ediId": "EDIREC001"
"shippingPartner": {
"partnerId": "9999"
"receivingPartner": {
"partnerId": "9988"
"information": {
"remarksGeneral": [
"FIX 16.08.; BIS 12 UHR; HB+HUBW.; 0172-3584781 HR. SCHMIDT"]
"services": {
"timeOptions": {
"nextDay": {
"timeFrom": "12:00",
"timeUntil": "12:00"
"deliveryOptions": {
"liftingPlatform": true,
"deliveryNoteOnGoods": true
"references": {
"customerOrderNo": "3216549871"
"billing": {
"deliveryTerms": "100"
"routing": {
"shipper": {
"street": "Am Alten Bahnhof 8",
"countryCode": "DE",
"zipCode": "97332",
"city": "Volkach",
"townArea": "",
"reference": "33066"
"consignee": {
"street": "BAHNHOF. 8",
"countryCode": "DE",
"zipCode": "97333",
"city": "Volkach",
"townArea": "",
"reference": ""
"content": {
"volumeCubicmeter": 0,
"loadingMeter": 0,
"grossWeightKilogram": 1103,
"areaPalletBays": 0,
"chargeableWeightKilogram": 0,
"insuranceValue": {
"amount": 0,
"currency": ""
"lines": [{
"lineNo": 1,
"handlingUnitCount": 2,
"handlingUnitType": "FP",
"innerPackageCount": 44,
"innerPackageType": "SA",
"content": "PCI PRODUKTE",
"refNo": "123456789987456321",
"volumeCubicmeter": 0,
"loadingMeter": 0,
"grossWeightKilogram": 1103,
"areaPalletBays": 0,
"chargeableWeightKilogram": 0,
"lengthMeter": 0,
"widthMeter": 0,
"heightMeter": 0,
"barcodes": [{
"code": "00123456789987456321"
"code": "00123456789987456300"
"lineNo": 2,
"handlingUnitCount": 0,
"innerPackageCount": 0,
"innerPackageType": "",
"content": "PCI PRODUKTE",
"refNo": "123456789987456301",
"volumeCubicmeter": 0,
"loadingMeter": 0,
"grossWeightKilogram": 0,
"areaPalletBays": 0,
"chargeableWeightKilogram": 0,
"lengthMeter": 0,
"widthMeter": 0,
"heightMeter": 0,
"barcodes": []
"lineNo": 2,
"consignment": {
"$schema" : "https:\/\/\/conizi\/semantic-model\/master\/transport\/truck\/groupage\/forwarding\/consignment",
"consignmentNoShippingPartner": "0123456789987",
"consignmentNoReceivingPartner": "",
"shippingDate": "2018-08-15",
"sender": {
"ediId": "EDDI001"
"receiver": {
"ediId": "EDIREC001"
"shippingPartner": {
"partnerId": "9999"
"receivingPartner": {
"partnerId": "9988"
"information": {
"remarksGeneral": [
"WA: MO-DO 9-12 UHR + 13-14:30 UHR \/ FR 9-10:30 UHR LT 16.08.20",
"services": {
"timeOptions": {
"fixedDay": {
"date": "2018-08-16"
"deliveryOptions": {
"deliveryNoteOnGoods": true
"references": {
"customerOrderNo": "321654987"
"billing": {
"deliveryTerms": "100"
"routing": {
"shipper": {
"street": "MUSTERWEG 16",
"countryCode": "DE",
"zipCode": "32654",
"city": "TEST",
"townArea": "",
"reference": "33068"
"consignee": {
"x-name2": "",
"x-name3": "",
"street": "SAMPLE STR. 20",
"countryCode": "DE",
"zipCode": "321654",
"city": "NUERNBERG",
"townArea": "",
"reference": ""
"content": {
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"loadingMeter": 0,
"grossWeightKilogram": 4712,
"areaPalletBays": 0,
"chargeableWeightKilogram": 0,
"insuranceValue": {
"amount": 0,
"currency": ""
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"lengthMeter": 0,
"widthMeter": 0,
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"barcodes": [{
"code": "00112255566655555588"
"code": "00112255566655555599"
"code": "00112255566655555544"
"code": "00112255566655555533"
"code": "00112255566655555522"
"lineNo": 2,
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"innerPackageCount": 0,
"innerPackageType": "",
"content": "DIVERSE WAREN",
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"$schema" : "https:\/\/\/conizi\/semantic-model\/master\/transport\/truck\/groupage\/forwarding\/consignment",
"consignmentNoShippingPartner": "0123456789888",
"consignmentNoReceivingPartner": "",
"shippingDate": "2018-08-15",
"sender": {
"ediId": "EDDI001"
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"ediId": "EDIREC"
"shippingPartner": {
"partnerId": "9999"
"receivingPartner": {
"partnerId": "9988"
"information": {
"remarksGeneral": [
"FIX MIT HB BIS 12 UHR 0173-9986728 HR. SCHMIDT"]
"services": {
"timeOptions": {
"nextDay": {
"timeFrom": "12:00",
"timeUntil": "12:00"
"deliveryOptions": {
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"deliveryNoteOnGoods": true
"references": {
"customerOrderNo": "3216547888"
"billing": {
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"routing": {
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"street": "BAHNHOF 16",
"countryCode": "DE",
"zipCode": "1236549",
"city": "MUENCHEN",
"townArea": "",
"reference": "889955"
"consignee": {
"name": "GRUNDSCHULE",
"street": "MUSTERWEG 21",
"countryCode": "DE",
"zipCode": "90999",
"city": "FRANKFURT",
"townArea": "",
"reference": ""
"content": {
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"loadingMeter": 0,
"grossWeightKilogram": 2106,
"areaPalletBays": 0,
"chargeableWeightKilogram": 0,
"insuranceValue": {
"amount": 0,
"currency": ""
"lines": [{
"lineNo": 1,
"handlingUnitCount": 2,
"handlingUnitType": "FP",
"innerPackageCount": 84,
"innerPackageType": "SA",
"content": "PCI PRODUKTE",
"refNo": "32165498765411",
"volumeCubicmeter": 0,
"loadingMeter": 0,
"grossWeightKilogram": 2106,
"areaPalletBays": 0,
"chargeableWeightKilogram": 0,
"lengthMeter": 0,
"widthMeter": 0,
"heightMeter": 0,
"barcodes": [{
"code": "32165498765411000011"
"code": "32165498765411000012"